“The Room Collage” image #1




This is the first image of a series I’m calling “The Room Collage”. It’s the room as Tim left it. The number call outs represent different facets of all the cool randomness that made up Tim.

#1 Tim, like me, discovered The Beatles late in the game. As a gift to both Tim and our mother, I purchased them tickets to attend the Cirque du Soleil performance of “Love”, a tribute to The Beatles. As I predicted, Tim’s first formal introduction to the Fab Four from Liverpool wouldn’t be trivial! As an aside, his wakeup phone ringtone ever after was “Hey Jude”.

#2 Though my sister and I have never heard him play, Tim’s friends can attest to how skilled he was jamming at the guitar. Any hobby he decided to pick up rapidly became an obsession. Only after gaining some pretty serious competency chops, would he then progress onto the next mountain to bulldoze over.

#3 Stephen King’s The Dark Tower series. It’s awesome, and in my opinion, it’s this great 20th century American author’s opus magnum. Tim powered though books 1-4, but I’m not sure if he ever read 5-8. But, you should.

#4 Tim skateboarded during highschool. According to him, he was pretty damn good at it. Though I find it hard to visualize, he told me his greatest trick was an ollie impossible from a height of four stairs. For the skating illiterate, that’s elite pro-level stuff. Knowing what an overachiever Tim was, he most definitely pulled off this appropriately named “impossible” trick. Recently, Tim was venturing back into skating as evident by the four skateboards he owned.

#5 Empty Amazon boxes were Tim’s last priority. What came in them was first. He didn’t bother with throwing them out if it took time away from him enjoying what came in them. Santa Claus for Tim drove a big brown truck with 3 gold initials stenciled onto the side year round.

4 thoughts on ““The Room Collage” image #1

  1. For the record, Tim picked up guitar by playing Rocksmith … a Guitar Hero type game that teaches real guitars. I was wondering how he chose the songs he learned, mainly because they were not exactly “Tim” music. It was only after checking out Rocksmith that I found out song for song how he picked his set list. Tim was one competitive dude… if there was a way to be earn high scores, you knew he was into beating everyone.

  2. Actually, Tim and I were skateboarding as early as 6th – 7th grade elementary school. I met Tim in Chinese school at St. Stephens in Monterey Park and he used to come over to my house in Hacienda Heights to skate all day….I’ll try to find some pics of us trying to ollie over a soda can -_-;;

    • Please email me the photos! Thanks for contributing Kenneth! If you have more stories, please contact me direct, and I’ll provide you with writing permissions. -Big Brother
      “iamtim85 at gmail dot com”

  3. Wow, I just noticed that his skateboard is the “FLIP” board that we gawked at in my CCM magazine…we kept trying to think of ways to trick our parents to buy that board for us…

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